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George Price

  • Thanks for doing that. I am taking (or have been taking) a break for the last few months and once I get back into playing, I can rejoin.

    I really enjoy teh 50’s and 60’s rock’n’roll that you put on the site, adn look forward to coming back later in the year.

    Best wishes

  • I have had Premium Access for a long time now. I decided that I would not renew after this months subscription runs out as I am taking a break from the sax. As I paid for this month less than two weeks ago, my membership should run until 21st March. I tried logging in after cancelling my recurring payment with PayPal and find that my Premium…[Read more]

  • I joined the Premium Membership and I am enjoying the great music that is available on the site. One thing I would like to see along with the YouTube videos of the tracks is a ‘play along’ video that actually reflects the notes provided on the sheet music.

    My reason behind this is that, as a recent re-beginner after 14 years of not playing, it…[Read more]