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Home Alt Forums Share a Video 'Frankenstein' Edgar Winters Group

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  • #85187
    Michael Bishop

      We just got back from a trip from Missouri–my wife and I enjoyed an anniversary weekend alone–first time in 21 years we’ve had a weekend to ourselves, we had great fun 🙂 We celebrated our 22 year anniversary, which was actually on April 12th. Our oldest son will be 21 in October.

      On the way home, I heard this awesome song on the radio, haven’t heard it in years. Edgar Winters Group did some awesome stuff, including ‘Easy Street’. This guy is one of my favorite Alto Sax players….killing sound on the Alto. At around the 5:09 mark, he kills it on the keyboards too 🙂


        right on Michael, congrats. the weekend went by fast.
        well we know who the older guy here is cause I been listening to “the monster’ for decades!
        Edgar Winter was awesome here. also check out his band later “White Trash” the live record is really good.
        lotsa horns and rockin’ stuff.
        actually we did frankenstein my band for several years.
        the audio is crap but we pulled it off on stage.

        Michael Bishop

          All right! Good stuff–thanks for sharing it 🙂 Haven’t heard of his band White Trash before, will check that out for sure. Did his first band break up and he formed his White Trash/2nd band?


            not sure how it all came about but Edgar Winter and White Trash came after his 4 piece rock band that did Frankenstein, Easy Street, etc…
            It was a bigger band with a horn section and they did slightly different style of music

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