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  • #11877
    Reg Hite

      Thanks Johnny, its good to know that the file loading problem is sorted out. I will settle down later today and purchase the course, I have just woken up and have quite a number of things to take care of first. I am looking forward to joining the course.

      paul kelly

        Hi Johnny how high can you go with the altissimo? Is there a limit?


          Pretty high but there is a point when the notes stop becoming note-like and turn into a high pitched screech instead. In the course, I’ve got it going to the 5th octave high C. So, in the normal sax range we have 3 C’s, the low one middle, and high one. The 4th one is in a perfect range for altissimo in that it really screams but not yet at the screeching level, whereas the 5th one starts to get there and I normally don’t go that high in my regular playing… maybe the F below that is getting as high as I like to get. Maybe watch the video I have for the altissimo course information and you can hear a short example of me playing a 4 octave range.

          paul kelly

            Thank you Johnny will have to get your course I can hit the 4 C altissimo and two notes past but have not got a clue how to hit the 5 C? the mind boggles.


              Well, the thing is to take the entire altissimo one step/note at a time. It’s about gaining control over your horn. Some can play this note and maybe that note but that’s not really good enough right? We need to be able to play all the notes chromatically and with full control in order to include them in actual playing situations. But like I said before, not everyone needs to get all the way up to that 5th octave C… that’s really high and starts to sound pretty thin. I rarely will hit that one, usually a 5th below that (F) is about as high as I need, even for rock & roll screamin.

              paul kelly

                Hi Johnny in my daily practice I do do the chromatic scale from Bb to altissimo D and down But can not hit them at pace as you can, that will take me a lot more time to do. I also practice long tones and overtones.Ps if the note is there I want to learn how to hit it with full control.If yo are willing to teach I am willing to learn.


                  That’s the whole point of the Altissimo Course I just created over the l;ast few months. It’s divided up into 4 parts…
                  One thing builds on another, this is the way to gain control and master it.


                    Sorry for the question but I am on yournsite logged in but can’t findnwhere the course isthat I registered for last night,???? I have doeloaded the videos on my desktop, but when I am not on my home computer how do I access????? Vinny


                      ok vinny, I’ll need to send you an email.


                        thank yopu once again. Great stuff boy I have a long way to go, I am trying to learn to enjoy the process , Vinny

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